At MacChap we believe that the church is built on prayer. We pray in every service; sometimes someone leads us in prayer and other times we pray as a whole congregation or in small groups.prayermeeting
We also regularly come together to pray for God’s work in our community and our world. We pray in small groups and in other groups that meet throughout the week. On Sundays a group of people regularly meet to pray between the morning services. On Wednesday nights we come together from 7.30-9pm to pray.
We encourage you to come pray often and come together in prayer once a week, once a month, once a term, or even just once!

Prayer Emails
We have 2 regular emails sent to our MacChap community:
- Sent Monthly
- More personal prayer needs and sensitive prayer needs that can not be published online
- Subscribe by contacting one of the MacChap staff
10 Days of Prayer
- Sent at the start of each Major sermon series
- As we start a new Series and a new Year at MacChap, encouraging our community to pray… Praising God and seeking God to change the world, our church and our lives…
- Subscribe here