Under God, the mission of Macquarie Chapel Presbyterian Church is to build Christ’s church: growing people… who glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
We want to be a church where God matters.
Like the first followers of Jesus we want to:

…responding to God’s grace in Spirit-filled devotion and joyfully encouraging one another by lifting our hearts and voices in prayer and praise.

…being transformed by learning about God and His Word, the world around us, and our individual and corporate identity in Christ.

…living authentically in community and showing God’s love in the way we relate and care for one another through the ups and downs of life.

…using our gifts, talents and resources to make Jesus known both locally and globally, and sharing with others the hope of God’s Kingdom.
We want to be people like this individually and as a community.
In the pursuit of this mission, Macquarie Chapel Presbyterian Church seeks to grow:
- a biblical and spirit-filled,
- proactive and prayerful,
- expanding and personal,
- loving and prophetic,
- contemporary and historical,
- Australian and global,
- all ages,
- local Christian church.
Such a church will build in people who:
- worship God (Worshipping)
- follow Christ (Learning)
- are a community living God’s love (Connecting)
- are won to Christ (Reaching)
Such a church will impact:
- our local community and university,
- the region of the north of Sydney,
- the city of Sydney,
- the nation of Australia,
- the world.