Our reaching ministry aims to bring people into contact with MacChap Christians through relationships formed in some organised events and forums such as the Alpha course, car washes to show kindness to our local community in a practical way, Sunday outreach events like Back to Church Sunday and social media.
We also reach out with the truth and love of Jesus by being involved in Scripture Teaching and in our PlayTime ministry.
As a church we want to keep justice issues and concern for the poor, oppressed and needy on the agenda. Throughout the year we encourage a focus on Justice issues through Informing & educating, Advocacy and Projects to raise funds for justice-related issues.
Reaching out with justice and mercy is part of God’s plan for believers. Our motivating key verse is God’s words to Micah:

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Interested? If you have a heart for the poor, oppressed and the needy we would love you to know. You might have a specific project or people group to engage with or a more general interest. Email the church office for more information.
Global Impact
This is the mission committee of Macquarie Chapel Presbyterian Church. Though small in number, the Global Impact (GI) team is made up of different ages and life experiences. Our aim is to facilitate mission in Macquarie Park, Australia and beyond!
The GI team, at the moment, consists of four members. We meet once a month to pray for our link missionaries and talk through ways that we can encourage them. New members are always welcome! Please contact the MacChap office to join the GI team or speak to us about how YOU can have an impact for Christ!