Living and Active Community and Leadership During Persecution 17/10/2021 Bible Text: Hebrews 13:1-17 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Living and Active
Jeremiah: A Kingdom Broken to be Rebuilt Jeremiah within the Bigger Picture of the Bible 27/06/2021 Bible Text: Jeremiah 52:17-34 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Jeremiah: A Kingdom Broken to be Rebuilt
The Living Kingdom in the Gospel of John Thomas 18/04/2021 Bible Text: John 20:24-31 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: The Living Kingdom in the Gospel of John
Guest Preachers The End? 28/03/2021 Bible Text: Luke 21:5-36 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Guest Preachers
Summer Series 2020-2021 The Woman, the Disciples and the Village 17/01/2021 Bible Text: John 4:1-12 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Summer Series 2020-2021
The Freedom to Imitate Christ Freedom Through Truth: Undoing the Damage of the Judaizers 15/09/2019 Bible Text: Galatians 6 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: The Freedom to Imitate Christ
Bearing Fruit in a Post-Church World - 1 Corinthians Bearing Fruit in a Post-Church World 21/07/2019 Bible Text: Hebrews 12: 1- 13 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Bearing Fruit in a Post-Church World - 1 Corinthians
Bearing Fruit in a Post-Church World - 1 Corinthians Spiritual Gifts 09/06/2019 Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Bearing Fruit in a Post-Church World - 1 Corinthians
James - Faith into Action Making the Effort for God 13/05/2018 Bible Text: James 1: 19-27 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: James - Faith into Action
Psalms - Prayers of the Heart Psalm 103 11/03/2018 Bible Text: Psalm 103 | Preacher: Mat Rees | Series: Psalms - Prayers of the Heart