MacKids on Sunday morning, during the 10:30am service, is a time where children can discover and learn about God in a great fun & age appropriate way. We use good quality Australian-written resources to teach from, which allow our children to interact with many biblical themes, bible characters, as well as topical issues from a Christian framework.
The Primary aged children also spend some time focusing on learning about and reaching out to others who are less fortunate than themselves. For example, we each year are involved in Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child boxes. Over a term, we fundraise together, learn about how the programme impacts both the children’s lives, their families and wider communities, we go on a shopping trip together, then pack the boxes and send a personal message from us to the child receiving the box. Throughout, we pray for the children who will receive our boxes.

Our MacKids groups are:
Small Fry
Small Fry is for toddlers and pre-schoolers. We enjoy songs, bible stories, craft and having fun together learning about our Great Big God.
MacReals is for Kindy to Yr 4. We enjoy games, skits, challenges and creative ways of learning about how we fit into God’s amazing Rescue Plan.
Yr 5 – 6 Bible Study Group
Our year 5-6 Bible Study is a Bible study that runs during the Sunday School period of our 10.30am Family Service. The aim of our 5-6 Bible study is to help kids transition between our Sunday School program, MacKids (for years K-4), to our Youth Bible study (for years 7-10). The purpose of this 5-6 Bible study is to provide a more holistic understanding of the story of the Bible and how our year 5s and 6s fit in to it, as well as to equip them in their faith as they begin to make the transition from primary school to high school.
Youth Bible Study Group
This group meet fortnightly on Sunday’s whilst the 10.30am service happens.
The purpose of this time is to provide our youth with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Bible, their faith and how it interacts with the world they find themselves in. Ultimately, this group seeks equip young people as they journey through the adolescent years of early high school.
On the other Sunday mornings our teenagers are invited and encouraged to be involved in other aspects of church life, such as worship team, welcoming, sound/tech crew, kids ministry helpers etc.
Safe Ministry
Macquarie Chapel Presbyterian Church is bound to and follows the Breaking the Silence Policy for the protection of children and vulnerable people. This is found at